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LGBTQ+ Friendly


We will walk with you through your addictions.

LGBTQ+ Friendly

H.E.R.O.S. Coaching is dedicated to helping people in any stage of recovery to overcome their substance or behavioral addictions.  Our Core Program provides 16 to 20 weeks of 2 on 1 coaching and daily accountability that synchronizes and supplements existing therapy and other outpatient treatment/rehab programs, and those newly released and on probation.  With over 17 years of sobriety and dedication to our own emotional fitness and post traumatic growth, we walk our talk.  Our ‘truth hurts’ method serves our new heroes to get honest, live in gratitude, regulate their nervous system, and become self-aware in a safe environment.  We help our clients free themselves from their pasts and renew their future utilizing cutting edge tools like somatic EMDR.  We are looking for those ready and willing to do the work to create a new and better life. 

Call us today for a free consultation.

What Our Heros Say

Thank you to each of our brave clients-turned-friends, and their willingness to let us help change their lives.

Thank you for your incredible program, and for helping my son restore his sense of self, his ability to dream, and his success at achieving goals like never before! After seeing his heart stop beating in an ambulance after an overdose, wondering if he would even survive (even being told by a doctor to prepare for the worst), we never expected this outcome. Your program helped him become the hero of his own recovery and helped restore his whole life!

christine m.

Mother, Supporter, and Friend.

I once read a quote that said behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain. Heros Coaching taught my husband and myself how to turn the the pain from his addiction into something beautiful, this program was and is the anwser to my prayers, and I am thankful beyond measure for the work and mission that Jeff and Doug have started. If you are in a place of seeking out help for addiction and everything that comes along with it I highly recommend working with these Heros.

breeann b.

Wife, Believer, and Friend.

Can't say enough about Jeff and Doug and the Heros program. If you're looking to make a change for the better in your life, I highly recommend reaching out to them. They teach you the tools to live in sobriety and becoming the best version of yourself that there is. So give them a call because you deserve it!

billy b.

Hero, Husband, and Friend.
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the h.e.r.o.s. mission statement

helping. each-other. reclaim. our. serenity.

We get out of our self-centered focus and open our hearts in service to listen, make suggestions, and guide our clients.  We meet them where they are in their lives and with their goals as they are willing to make changes.  We do this without force or control while holding our clients accountable for their commitments and empowering them to succeed.  
We understand the power of partnership.  We rely on each other’s strengths and talents to make our coaching team the most effective.  One is not better than the other.  We are not better than our clients.  We are all equal in many ways.  We, through our combined experience and training, share ways to reclaim power that have been lost through years of trauma, drama, and lies.  This is difficult to do alone so we are excited to partner with our clients to let go of the things holding them back so we can lift them up to a higher level of self-awareness and heart-centered consciousness.  Success is more likely when we have each-other.
We know that we are the agents of change in our lives.  We have stepped into our power that we have given away or lost over the years.  We recognize that, even though we have help, we are the only one that can change our life.  Overcoming victimhood is key to seeing that others do not control our life.  We do.  And being sovereign of our life requires us to champion our own innocence and take action, putting in the emotional and spiritual work.  All our coaching is centered around helping our clients do this.  This requires warrior energy and that is why we have a sword hilt in our logo.  The act of reclaiming is not a one-time deal.  It entails daily accountability for our choices, learning to think before we react to life and its terms, and a willingness to get back in the fight whenever we are knocked down.  
We expand ‘each-other’ to include our clients’ families and others that play a role in their lives.  We help our clients to communicate better with their significant others.  We show how to make amends, ask for forgiveness, and repair relationships or gracefully complete relationships that no longer work.  As our clients complete our core challenge program, we invite them to become ambassadors for our coaching and pay it forward by providing support for new clients that begin the challenge.  We want to build community that continually serves and gives back.  
We experience serenity as feeling calm, unruffled, clear and steady.   As modeled in the AA 12 steps we find serenity as we surrender to the Higher Power we choose and turn our life over to It.  We ask our Higher Power to give us the grace, strength and the wisdom to make good decisions that serve the highest good of everyone involved.  As we help our clients find this inner space, sometimes for the very first time, we teach and show that this state of serenity can be touched again and again, for longer periods of time.  And, with practice and commitment, it can be a consistent feeling of safety and home from which their newfound or newly reclaimed lives of empowerment can be lived to the fullest and better than ever before. 
our mission
We understand that our clients are not just isolated individuals.  They are part of a greater system of family, workplace, friendship network, etc.  Their addiction not only affects them, it affects the system of which they are a part.  The people around our clients are also stuck and in pain to varying degrees as a result of their connection with the addict.  Our mission is to walk with our clients through their healing process, assist their recovery of self-worth, self-awareness, and self-love.  They learn skills to make amends with the people in their lives, to communicate better with their inner parts and the people around them.  They become the hero of their new myth about themselves with the ability to resolve their past, regulate their present, and renew their future.  They join our community of HEROS who support each other and help us show the way for new clients just beginning their hero's journey in recovery.  And, they return to their family, work, and social systems with these gifts to share, thus affecting positive change and liberation for those around them in those systems.  Every community, family, and person needs a hero.  Our intention and business is to awaken that HERO in our clients for themselves and for those who love and care for them to make this world system of which we are all a part, a better, safer, more loving place.

OUR program

core program

16 to 20 Weeks
Free Consultation (30 Minutes)
Starting at $5995 and Discounts Available
This is the signature service that we offer.

We take a modern approach to recovery that is trauma informed and based in current neuroscience research.  We start from the bottom up which means we address the regulation of our client’s nervous system to feel safe with us and in their own body to then feel the emotions and address the thoughts covered up by their addiction.  By regulating the present, we help our client resolve their past and renew their future.  The design is to assist our client to stop using whatever ‘substance’ or behavior they are addicted to as soon as they commit to the program.  We want our client to start feeling some hope as soon as possible.  Our intention is also for our client to keep their job and maintain their life while completing our Core Program.

We teach our client very quickly how to live life on life’s terms in gratitude while working through past traumas and wreckage, making amends for their wrongdoings with family, friends, and working relationships.  We teach our client how to communicate their feelings, first to themselves, then with their spouse and family.  If our client has a family, we help repair any damage to those relationships due to their addictive behaviors and make their family bonds stronger as a result.  We will also work with the spouse and children as part of this process.  We empower our client by giving them a ‘toolbag’ of skills, language, and behaviors to begin healing from the traumas underlying their addiction.  They increase self-awareness and self-love, and create a lifestyle of emotional, mental, and spiritual fitness.

It is essential that our client has the willingness to do the work we suggest.  It is the main key to their success.  Our client must also be accountable through journal writing assignments, letter writing assignments, phone or text check-ins throughout the program even daily if necessary, and weekly sessions with their coach and team.  We have 2 sessions a week with our client until they have achieved 30 days sobriety with us.  Then, we go to one session a week for the duration of the program.  If there is no relapse and our client does all the suggested inner and outer work, the duration of our Core program is 16 weeks.  We understand that relapse may be a part of recovery, so we allow up to 20 weeks without further review of cost and commitment level for our client.

We have found this program to be affective for anyone with addictive behaviors of any kind.  The criteria are that whatever behavior they are engaged in is disrupting their lives and relationships to a point where they are ready and willing to do something about it.  If our client sees their situation as ‘bad’ we will suggest things in our program to make their situation and life ‘good’.  For our client who wants to take their ‘good’ life and make it better, we are ready for them too.

If our client is at a crisis point thereby needing hospitalization, substance treatment, medical, psychological aid, we will encourage them to get proper help and make referrals as we can.  We are sobriety coaches only and do not provide any of these other services.  We will also work with existing medical and mental health professionals in our program to maximize the benefit of our clients’ efforts for improvement.

Once our client has completed the Core Program, they are invited to become way-showers to our newer clients and become leaders in the growing community of HEROS.  This keeps them involved in their own continuing progress while contributing to the environment of safety and positive co-regulation needed to maintain individual and collective serenity.  

Astrological Birth Chart Reading 

90 Minutes
$111 *Included In The Challenge Method
This is the signature service that we offer.

You will learn your unique elemental make up and blueprint of your promises, lessons, and karma for this lifetime.  You will learn that your crazy is normal and become peaceful with traits you, up until now, have been annoyed with.  You will fall in love with your fate and learn that the stars have your back.  You will need to provide your date of birth, city of birth, and the time of day of your birth.

soul plan reading

90 Minutes
$111 *Included In The Challenge Method
This is the signature service that we offer.

Soul Plan is a new interpretation of an ancient system of life purpose analysis. This method works on the conscious and unconscious levels and promises to bring you greater freedom, connection, satisfaction, healing and life purpose activation.  Soul Plan Reading is based upon the sound vibration of your birth name (as it appears on your birth certificate) and may also take into account the name you are now using.  This is a remarkably powerful and accurate system of life purpose guidance, spiritual counseling and healing.

spiritual coaching session

60 Minutes
$88 *Challenge Method Members Take 20% Off
This is the signature service that we offer.

In this session Doug uses his toolbox of training in Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Quantum Touch, Energetic Systems Maintenance, Emotion Code, and Soul Transformation Therapy to assist in emotional release and healing of mind, body, and spirit.  These modalities are designed to work in harmony with any other therapy or treatment you are receiving from other professionals.

tarot card reading

60 Minutes
$88 *Challenge Method Members Take 20% Off
This is the signature service that we offer.

This reading is designed for those who seek information regarding a specific life question or circumstance.  We take a thorough look at the situation, the underlying causes, the energies of the recent past, present, and near future, your contribution and that of your surroundings, your hopes and fears, and the ultimate outcome of the situation.

oracle card reading

30 Minutes
$55 *Challenge Method Members Take 20% Off
This is the signature service that we offer.

This session uses intuitively guided choice of other non-Tarot card decks to do simple past/present/future readings or other helpful layouts to address whatever question you may have.  Even though this reading isn't as in depth as a full Tarot reading, it is rich in information and guidance.


TBD As Needed
This is the signature service that we offer.

More information coming soon.

family support

TBD As Needed
This is the signature service that we offer.

More information coming soon.

sweat lodge

Coach & Water Pourer
Dominique Storni
3+ Hours
$20 + Food Item Donation Required
Sweat Lodge has helped many, many people in their recoveries - and beyond.

Sweating for healing has been around for many centuries, and is found in many cultures. The Sweat Lodges I hold, come from the traditions of the First Nations people of the Americas. I was primarily taught by Elders of the traditions of Turtle Island, which is what we now call North America.


We heat lava stones in a fire until they are red hot. The stones are the oldest inhabitants of the planet. We call them Grandmothers and Grandfathers, depending upon regional traditions. We bring the stones into the Lodge, we close the door, and we put water on the stones. The joining of the heat and the water creates steam. This steam is not only physically benificial in our healing and cleansing process, it also helps us get out of our heads, so we can go into our hearts.


There are four rounds. In each round, new grandmothers and grandfathers are brought into the lodge. We sing songs and offer prayers during each round. Each round, again depending upon regional traditions, represents a major element, spirit animals, a color, a time in our lives, and other things which we discuss each round. After each round, the door opens and we breath in the fresh air and have a talking circle.


One Medicine Wheel teaching is to help us find balance between the Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual. Another teaching helps us find our authentic path. It is then we can to learn better to be in balance and walk our authentic paths in a good way.


Sweat Lodge helps us in many ways. And with each Sweat Lodge one attends, the layers of our life’s challenges peel away like the layers of an onion. Sweat lodge detoxifies our physical bodies. Sweat Lodge helps us open to our emotions. Sweat Lodge helps us deal with life, on life’s terms. Sweat Lodge helps us connect with the spiritual world, no matter what spiritual background one has.

Free Consultations.

Just give us a call today.


to our Amazing Supporters.

Thank you for your incredible program, and for helping my son restore his sense of self, his ability to dream, and his success at achieving goals like never before! After seeing his heart stop beating in an ambulance after an overdose, wondering if he would even survive (even being told by a doctor to prepare for the worst), we never expected this outcome. Your program helped him become the hero of his own recovery and helped restore his entire life!

Christine M.
Mother of a client.

meet the founders

Utah Based

Salt Lake City

founder & operator

My gratitude is for my sobriety.  Without sobriety I would lose all that is dear to me.  I am grateful for the difficult experiences and losses of my life because I would not be the person I am today without living the life I survived.

I am grateful for the lessons I have learned, the discernment I have developed in my sobriety, and the truth that guides me in my life.  I’m grateful that I have regained my integrity and now have the dedication to helping others find their truth.

I am grateful that I get to be a good father, husband, son, brother, and employee.  Gratitude allows me to be ready to return the kindness that was extended to me as I got sober. It also allows me to be ready to serve the growing community of heroes that lift hearts, heal minds and bodies, and help each other reclaim our serenity.

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founder & operator

My gratitude is first and foremost the connection I have with my Self and with my Creator.  This has resulted from the life I have lived in and out of a strict Christian religion and a psychologically abusive family.  I’m grateful that I was able to transcend those experiences of trauma to not only survive but to begin to thrive with an open heart.

I am grateful for my life trying to be a straight man because I have 4 amazing daughters who are powerful and continue to heal the generational trauma and patterns that have been passed to them.  In the face of considerable pain, I am still grateful for my family of origin and who I am now after seeing everyone with an eye of compassion and forgiveness.  I am grateful I now live true to my sexual orientation and make a special effort to help my LGBTQ+ family.

I am grateful that I have been able to have incredibly loving relationships and friendships that have molded me into the man I am today.  I’m grateful that I have the courage to be authentic, self-expressed, and the willingness to ever expand my understanding of this world, my humanity, and raise my level of consciousness as much as I can in this life.

I am grateful that I have alchemized my addictive traits, trauma responses, and life experiences into skills that I now offer in service to my human family in this area of coaching.  I am grateful to be a channel for Grace helping as many people as I can fall in love and connect with themselves and their Higher Power, and liberate themselves from addiction and anything else that holds them back from being fully liberated.

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Founder & Operator

I started using marijuana and alcohol when I was 13 years old when a family friend introduced it to me. In 1988 (at the age of 16) I started using cocaine, methamphetamine and opiates. In 1991 I had my first son, and when I turned 21 I was in full blown addiction. I started gambling to support my addiction and lost everything.

I began stealing from friends, family and strangers, which led to being a drug dealer (I did anything I could to get drugs and money)… At the age of 35 I couldn’t keep a job to save my life. The drugs had my heart and soul I couldn't stop using, which led to being homeless and eventually being incarcerated on October 13, 2007. That’s when I hit total rock bottom. I'd lost everything again for the hundredth time. I was finally ready to surrender.

In my recovery, I have learned many things about who I am - finding who you are is a vital step in the HEROS process, (it's part of what I call “doing the work”). This is 1 of 9 steps that must be completed and practiced daily. I have discovered ways to help others by holding one-on-one meetings, and by helping them surrender and start feeling hope sooner rather than later - if they are willing to do the work.

"My goal is to stay sober, humble, and to help as many people as possible with all their addictions. We cannot do this alone and we cannot force it on anyone. This step program is for the willing! If you’re reading this, HEROS HELP HEROS, we can recover!"

I’ve now been happily married since 2017 to a loving wife who has supported my dream of helping others with their addictions. We are excitedly expecting our first born in December 2021.

Douglas Freeman
Founder & Operator

I lived most of my life outwardly as a religious family man while inwardly I was an anxiety ridden closeted homosexual.  I tried very hard to get it right and live for my God and church and family thinking that my orientation was sinful and curable.  I was able to become a father of 4 beautiful daughters from my first marriage for whom I wouldn’t change any part of my life.  I then married 2 more women before finally coming to terms with my sexuality and need to be fully authentic and self expressed.  Ten years ago, at age 43, I came out and began living an integrated life.

“Know thyself” is a mantra of mine and a guiding principle on my journey.  Religion could only take me so far on this spiritual quest and I also left my church in order to proceed.  I honor my past and what I learned from religion while now embracing truths found everywhere, particularly in the esoteric healing arts.  Not only do I strive to know myself, I love helping others learn themselves and love who they are.  

I have degrees in Psychology and Holistic Life Coaching.  I am trained in healing modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique and Energetic Systems Maintenance.  I am an attuned Reiki Master.  I am an Astrologer and Tarot/Oracle card Reader.  I am a certified Emotion Code and Soul Plan practitioner. 

"So, as a Spiritual Coach, I have an extensive toolbox to empower those with whom I work to remove the blocks to self knowledge, self love, and authentic self expression that creates a beautiful life and serves all of humanity."

I’m beyond excited to be a part of HEROS and share my gifts to aid in addiction recovery and all areas of self discovery and rebirth.


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Jeff Richins

Founder & Support Specialist



Douglas Freeman

Founder & Spiritual Specialist



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meet the team

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behind the curtain at warfare

Amira Hart

CEO, Founder

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Darren Haley

CEO, Founder

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Deanna Curry

CEO, Founder

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Brooklyn Simmons

CEO, Founder

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Satisfied Clients


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Katie Lee
CEO Asana

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Katie Lee
CEO Asana

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Katie Lee
CEO Asana


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